NODO / Accessories
Paper towel roll holder
Dust/steam proof seal
35030 Silver
35330 White
35530 Black
35010 Silver
35310 White
35510 Black
35020 Silver
35320 White
35520 Black
19042 Silver
19542 Black

252 x 48 mm
Inside housing for roll.
Insert inside the track.
To be used only with track mounted on the wall.
Maximum capacity 300 gr.
To be used only with the track mounted on the wall.
Maximum capacity 1.5 Kg.
To be used only with the track mounted on the wall.
Maximum capacity 0.5 Kg.
Silicone filling profile, can be cut to measure.
To be used to limit the insertion of groups of sockets or lights.
Where used, it protects the track from steam and water splashes.
Necessary where the plant regulations require it.
Kg 0.02
Kg 0.75
Kg 0.60
Kg 0.40

35030 Silver
35330 White
35530 Black

To be used only with track mounted on the wall.
Maximum capacity 300 gr.
Kg 0.02

35010 Silver
35310 White
35510 Black

To be used only with the track mounted on the wall.
Maximum capacity 1.5 Kg.
Kg 0.75

Paper towel roll holder
35020 Silver
35320 White
35520 Black

252 x 48 mm
Inside housing for roll.
To be used only with the track mounted on the wall.
Maximum capacity 0.5 Kg.
Kg 0.60

Dust/steam proof seal
19042 Silver
19542 Black

Insert inside the track.
Silicone filling profile, can be cut to measure.
To be used to limit the insertion of groups of sockets or lights.
Where used, it protects the track from steam and water splashes. Necessary where the plant regulations require it.
Kg 0.40

Accessories add functionality to the NODO system.
HOOK, SHELF and ROLL HOLDER have been designed to organize the work space, freeing it from unnecessary bulk.
The DUST / STEAM SEAL can be cut to size.
NODO shelf is an object holder that, thanks to its profile, allows you to place tablets up to 12.9” with two inclinations for always perfect reading.